
Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Best Before & After Ever!!

And I didn't even have to list a finger!! 
 Before- Ugly yellow wood siding and horrible windows.
 After- Beautiful brown vinyl siding and amazing new windows. Don't mind the shutters laying on the front lawn, they are in desperate need of a new coat of paint as soon as the weather cooperates. 
 This is what came off of our house, no way is that going back up on my pretty house, you couldn't pay me!!

So I whipped this up one night to replace it. And the best part it only cost me $1!! Score. It was very easy but if you have any questions just ask and I will be happy to answer. Now I just hope that my command hook doesn't let me down, I couldn't bear to put a hole in my new siding! 
 And let's hope that those pesky salesmen see my pretty new sign, turn around and march right back to there car!! 


  1. Awesome!!! Looks great and I love the new sign. Thanks for linking up to Mad Skills Monday!

  2. awesome house with wood manufacturing. but I think you want more Home & Garden decoration ideas
