
Monday, February 21, 2011

My First Award

 Thursday I was having a pretty crummy day. Nothing was going good and I was still in my pj's when the hubs came home from work, not to mention that NOTHING had been done around the house, and with a two year old that is dangerous! Needless to say I was not a happy camper until I checked my email and saw that I had received my very first award!! Are you kidding me?!?! WOW, Alisha at Homemaking Honey's totally made my day, Thank You!! You need to check out her site, it is awesome, she has so many great ideas, make sure you look around. You won't be sorry. 

So here are the rules:

1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Award 15 recently discovered great blogs.
4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award.

I don't like talking about myself but here it goes. 

1-I have one little boy who will be three in the next few months, but if you ask him he is just turning 2. Yeah we are working on that. 
2- My day is not complete with out a Pepsi! 
3- I married my high school sweetheart (hi babe!) and we have been married for 4.5 years. 
4- Our family loves to fish, as long as dad is there to bait the hooks, I don't do slimy things. 
5- I went to Europe right after I graduated High School and I can not wait to go back with my husband, one day. 
6- My fav. food is a grilled ham & cheese sandwich from my grandpa's restaurant, I could eat one of these them! 
7- My latest obsession is HGTV, man I love that channel-especially the show Sarah's House, I could literally watch it for hours! 

Now onto the lovely ladies that I am passing this award onto: 
3-Erica @ BigSis LilSis
5-Michell @ Girl In Air
7-Malory @ Snips & Spice
11-Debbie @ Inspired Honey Bee
12-Ashley @ Eisy Morgan
13-Charlie @ Attempting Aloha 
14-Ami  @ AliLilly 
15-Jamie @ C.R.A.F.T

Thanks for bearing with me through this long post, you guys rock! Make sure you take some time to check out the fun blogs that I have passed this award onto! 


  1. Oh, thanks! That's so sweet of you. I have a three year old too...but he tells people he's 5.

  2. Yeah!! This is my first award!! I'm going to share the bajeebers out of this information!! Thank you so much!! Debbie @ Inspired Honey Bee xoxo

  3. Thank you for the award, Krista! You are too sweet! You have your Pepsi, and I have my Coke 0. Could NEVER go a day without it! In fact, I'm craving one right now... :)

  4. Thanks girl! I'll be re-awarding this soon! Cute blog :)

  5. You ROCK Momma and totally deserve this award! Thank you so much for passing it on to me!! :)

  6. Wow! Thank you so much Krista! What a pleasant surprise. It was so fun to read about you and look through your lovely blog. Thank you again for this fun award!

  7. Thanks so much! You really made my day. :) Much appreciated.
