
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Thanks For Sharing

 Are you a coupon shopper? If so then you will know what I mean when I say that I was drowning in all the things I have been able to get for free over the past year. I only have a little closet to store all my stuff and it was getting VERY full. I also have a couple family members who take the paper but do not use coupons, and they are nice enough to give them to me every week, and I really appreciate it!! So I had the idea to say Thank You by sharing my stuff. I made up 5 of these in nothing flat and it feels good to be able to share with others. 

Gather your supplies:
Ziploc Bags
Items that you want to put in your bags

1st- I stuffed all my items into my bag and tried to make it look nice. I had the following in my bags- Body Wash, Toothpaste, Bar Soap, Deodorant, Face Cleaner, Floss, Razors, Laundry Soap, Fabric Softener & Gum. 
2nd- I picked out my paper and cut it 4 inches wide and folded it in half to make the topper. Staple on. 
3rd- Punch a hole and attach your tag. 
That's it!! Super simple & FREE (thank you coupons!!)
 This one is for Grandma, so her's was a little different. I included Rolaids, Cough Drops and Chocolate!!
 I didn't do anything fancy on the tags, just wrote the name of the person and a little note that said Thanks for sharing your coupons! I think they liked it and it felt good to be able to share with them .


  1. This is genious!! Im a huge couponer and have TONS of things that Ive gotton free. Thanks for the idea. Plus they are super cute!

  2. Hey what a great idea! I'm a big couponer and this would be a perfect idea for my sitter who gives me all her unused coupons. Thanks for sharing!


  3. What a great idea! They look pretty professional, like those travel packs with mini deo, toothpaste etc that come out around christmas time!

  4. what a sweet, cute gesture :) come on over and link up to MMM!

  5. Neat idea!
    I may have to make some of these myself!
    Great for that person who has everything.

  6. What a really cool and thoughtful idea! I love it! So glad I hopped over from "Something I Whipped Up" at The Girl Creative! You have a lovely blog and I'm happy to be your newest follower. Best, Jenn/Rook NO. 17
